About Us
On our website, will provide you to find the following information as a quick and convenient Way:
Deals properties
Our team will regularly searches for discounted properties in the market and uploads them to our system, making it convenient for buyers looking for opportunities.
Please click on "Deals" Menu to start searching for the information you need.
Exclusive Properties
We will provide exclusively represent Re-sale properties, such as detached houses, Condos, and Assignment.
Furnished Short Term Rental
Our rental property management team represents numerous furnished properties available for short-term rentals of 4 months or more, making them highly suitable for co-op students during their internship periods.
Please click on "Rent" Menu to start searching for the information you need.
Pre-Construction Houses and Condos
Our team has compiled the latest information on the hottest real estate developments in the market, enabling clients to promptly understand the developers promotional policies and plans. Our VVIP real estate brokers will assist you in securing your ideal unit at the most favorable price and provide professional services including: purchasing, agreement signing, pre-approval mortgage, assignment, closing, and rental, all in one services.
Please click on "House" or "Condo" Menu to start searching for the information you need.
Yellow Pages
We have compiled a list of reliable and high-quality service providers in Toronto for everyone's reference, facilitating daily home maintenance needs.